Customer ratings for The Prayer Rope

The Prayer Rope
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The Prayer Rope

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Number of ratings: 6
Average rating: 4.3
Clear, concise, and beautiful
from Travis on 02/06/2024
Succinct little book that's a great introduction. It's small and practically a pocket book. This would make for a great little gift also.
from Harry G Wilson on 06/27/2022
Ordering this product was easy to do online and the product was shipped and delivered in perfect condition. Thank you!
Highly recommend
from Sarah S. on 04/08/2022
I really like this booklet. It has some great background information as well as other prayers that could be said with your prayer rope and the pictures and icons are beautiful.
from Ehab Ibrahim on 02/20/2022
I didn’t receive my order yet
Itry to contact you to follow up where is my order but you didn’t answer
Please I need my order or my money back
You can reach me at 808-800-7887
God bless you and Lord be with you
This booklet is beautiful, informative, and inspiring. A nice brief introduction to the use of the prayer rope.
from Anonymous on 01/06/2022
Wonderful book!!
from Fr. Atanasie on 08/18/2018
Very good introductory book with beautiful design!
I ordered many books and they arrived in time, just as I asked.
May our Lord bless your missionary work!
Thank you!

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